This platform has seen a surge of voting on its anonymous platform in the run-up to the election on 5 May. Since its inception, the platform has received in excess of 60,000 votes from the people of Harrogate.
Our platform is hosting 17 anonymous online conversations about all the big issues affecting Harrogate, from house-building, schooling and what to do with The Stray, to more localised conversations regarding The Saints, High Harrogate and Coldbath Road.
Founder of Harrogate District Consensus, Andrew Gray, said:
“In Harrogate there is an acute hunger to solve our problems in an intelligent, sensible way, on a platform far removed from the often horrible and hostile conversations held on social media. Through the platform’s anonymity, the conversations are depersonalised. Nobody fears expressing different views. The cancel culture does not exist on the platform. Reason and reasonableness is allowed to thrive.
Some election candidates have engaged with the platform, others have not. Transparently, we have released all our granular data for everyone to see, sending the results to all the political parties and to the independents.
The profile of every candidate is hosted on the platform, allowing voters to see who the candidates are per ward and per party.
Once elected, it is our hope that whoever the new councillors are that they engage with the people of Harrogate through this platform, to the advantage of everyone who lives in this fantastic area.”
All the data can be found here:
Conversation | No. of Voters | No. of Votes | Statements | Link to data |
Station Gateway | 466 | 23,712 | 223 | Data Set 1 |
Default 20mph | 439 | 13,384 | 114 | Data Set 2 |
The Stray | 193 | 3,980 | 46 | Data Set 3 |
Schooling | 158 | 3,258 | 45 | Data Set 4 |
Pinewoods | 147 | 2,813 | 48 | Data Set 5 |
Another UCI? | 105 | 2,007 | 30 | Data Set 6 |
Bins & Recycling | 99 | 1,878 | 33 | Data Set 7 |
Traffic | 80 | 1,709 | 31 | Data Set 8 |
Housing | 71 | 1,595 | 35 | Data Set 9 |
Hospital | 68 | 1,271 | 27 | Data Set 10 |
Political Temp | 67 | 581 | 11 | Data Set 11 |
Local Democracy | 46 | 1,196 | 35 | Data Seta 12 |
Ukraine | 41 | 756 | 26 | Data Set 13 |
The Saints | 73 | 1549 | 35 | Data Set 14 |
Starbeck | 30 | 475 | 20 | Data Set 15 |
Policing | 27 | 487 | 22 | Data Set 16 |
High Harrogate | 4 | 24 | 6 | Data Set 17 |
17 | 2,072 | 59,859 | 783 |