About Patricia Ann Marsh
Pat has lived almost all her life in Harrogate, raised her children here and now her grandchildren. She has lived in Hookstone on and off, due to military service, for almost 40 years.
Pat has been the local Councillor for 32 years, been Mayor and been responsible for the building of 2 swimming Pools, Community Centres, restoring the Sun Pavilion, to mention a few. She helped to stop the moth balling of the Royal Hall, by the Conservatives.
Pat wants to listen to and work with local Residents to improve not only her Ward but all of Harrogate as well. “It is important that more is done to protect our green spaces, fix potholes, make the town a cleaner place and address issues of inappropriate development.”
“There needs to be improved partnership working between local business and the County Council. The level of road congestion and pollution we have to suffer is becoming intolerable.” “With the loss of Harrogate Borough Council will campaign for a Harrogate Town Council.”
“We need an integrated Park and Ride scheme for the town. There will also be a need for a new Secondary School for our town in the foreseeable future.”